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Delivering to make a Difference

As part of our ongoing mission to support women into enterprise, we understand that for some this is not as easy as simply having an idea and taking action. Many women are not fortunate enough to be at a starting point that allows them to even consider realising their true potential. Through no fault of their own, these women have found themselves in lonely and frightening places that have put their lives at risk, and at a crossroads where surviving can seem the only option. 


Not wishing that any women should put their life on hold because of their circumstances we have joined together with St. Mungos shelters to deliver workshops to refugee women and women affected by domestic violence, with the generous donations from the general public to offer employability, resilience and confidence building workshops.


Please support us in continuing our work with these amazing women and charities that support the women, who like us are simply trying to change their lives for the better.


If you you would like further information and would like to speak to us about how you can get involved or support us with our work then please contact us for a chat.

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